Forever After
Reviewed by Lisa Selvaggio
Although Astral have been garnering a lot of attention since 2003, making quite a name for themselves with their debut album Orchids, I’m only now getting a taste of this band. They’ve been consistently touring for the past few years, with names that include David J (Bauhaus/Love & Rockets) and Lisa Dewey (who recorded with Simon Raymonde of Cocteau Twins). Their newest album, Forever After, comes out on October 25, 2011 and proves that the band will keep making new fans.
A lot of labels describe Astral, from Indie to Post-Punk, to Dream Pop and Dream Rock (whatever those mean), and this band has a pretty classic Goth sound. They’ve also been compared to The Cure, and that’s a fairly accurate description, but a very narrow one as well. Slow to mid-tempo tracks on this album are groovy and soothing (now I know why they’re called dreamy). Check out the tracks “Fall Away,” “All is Said and Done,” and “Dahlia’s Falling” to get an idea of what they have to offer.
A modern band with an old-school Goth vibe, here’s hoping they continue their climb.
Rating: 4/5